Feral Cats Resources
Listing of clinics providing spay / neuter services for Community Cats and their caretakers. If you are familiar with additional resources NOT listed here or Trap Depots (locations to rent Humane Cat Traps for Sterilization purposes) please e- SpayFlorida@gmail.com
Gulf Coast
Southwest Florida Spay Neuter Services
941 Tamiami Trail
Suite D
Port Charlotte, FL 33953
Tel. (941)-889-6777
RATES (Rates as of Sept 2024. Call Clinic for Rate Confirmation)
Feral / Community Cats $45 (Ferals are required to arrive in a trap and ear tipping is mandatory)
For the Love Of Cat (TNVR program)
Marco Island,FL
Tel. (239) 642-8674
The Barbara Grice Memorial Spay and Neuter Clinic
$35.00 feral cat package includes spay or neuter surgery, a rabies vaccine, and an ear tip. Are you in need of a trap? They rent traps for only $10 (with a $65 refundable deposit). Feral cats in a trap can be seen on a walk-in basis Monday - Thursday between 7:30 and 8:00 A.M. Please call 850-898-3380 for more information.
The Pensacola Humane Society's Barbara Grice Memorial Spay & Neuter Clinic
5 North Q Street
Pensacola, Florida
Tel: (850) 898-338
Humane Society Tampa Bay
Trap Rental Hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm Daily,
at the Front Desk of the Animal Health Center
Trap Rental Fee: $5 per trap, per week with $90 refundable deposit per trap.
Feral Cat Mondays
Drop off between 6:30am - 9am
Pick up between 4:00pm- 5:00pm
Cost of TNVR Services: $20*per cat. Includes spay/neuter, anesthesia, Rabies and FVRCP vaccinations, ear-tipping and other medication deemed necessary by our veterinarian.
Feral Cats must be in traps; one trap per cat. FeLV/FIV testing is available for an additional $17* The Animal Health Center also sells affordable flea and tick protection.
Contact the TNVR Manager with questions at TNVR@humanesocietytampa.org or 813-625-0910
Animal Coalition Tampa (ACT) provides sterilization services for Community / Feral Cats through their free-roamer (aka feral cat) special that includes spay/neuter, , anesthesia, vaccinations (Rabies and FVRCP , ear-tipping, dewormer, flea and ear mite treatments for $38.00. ACT offers trap loans (with a deposit) and a special rate for ferals. Walk in Monday through Saturday 8-noon with your trapped cat. No appointment necessary!
The 2nd Monday of the Month is Feral Cat SpayDay at ACT. Project SpayDay holds monthly spay-neuter clinics, where a team of veterinarians and a support staff sterilizes from 100-150 cats in a few hours. For SpayDay appointments go to http://www.actampa.org/spayday
Animal Coalition Tampa
1719 West Lemon St.
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone: (813) 250-3900
Harmony Vet Care
5420 Webb Rd
Tampa, FL 33615
Tel. (813) 871-0850
Male- $40. Female- $50. Kittens under 7 months- $35 plus $15 rabies vaccine (Required).
Drop offs are Mon-Wed 8-9 am and Thurs-sat 7-8 am.
Pick up is Mon-Wed 3-5 and Thurs-sat 2-4 pm. Feral rates include a free leukemia test. Pain meds they are $10.
TNVR Humane Traps can be rented with a $50 deposit that is returned when the trap is returned.
1st Monday of each month: Donation based TNVR surgeries (Brandon clinic ONLY = 3301 John Moore Rd. Brandon,FL 33511
City of Bonita Springs
The City of Bonita Springs offers its residents no-cost spay/neuter services through Animal Hospital of Bonita, 8830 Emerald Isle, Bonita Springs, FL 34135. To make appointments and to borrow humane traps, call Animal Hospital of Bonita at (239) 947-3447. Residents must provide proof of residency, and all cats will be ear-tipped (the universal sign for feral/outdoor community cats that have been spayed or neutered). Source http://www.leegov.com/animalservices/vetservices/spayneuter/tnr
Lee County Domestic Animal Services
Operation S.O.S. Community Cat Trap-Neuter-Return Program
5600 Banner Drive
Fort Myers, FL 32778
Tel: (239) 533-9234 OR emai spay@leegov.com
FREE* feral /homeless cat** sterilization program
** Feral cats must be housed in approved humane traps for the safety of our staff. Traps can be borrowed with a refundable deposit from Animal Services. You may also bring pet carriers to transport feral cats home after surgery, leaving the humane trap with us. Staff can provide proper trapping instructions when picking up borrowed traps.
Planned Pethood
33931 Florida SR 54
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Tel: (813) 524-6400
Web https://plannedpethoodwc.com/
FB https://www.facebook.com/plannedpethoodwc/
Pet Cat starting at $60* (spay) $50* (neuter)
Community Programs … https://plannedpethoodwc.com/pasco-county-programs
Feral & Community Cat TNVR Programs
Pasco Low Income Resident Discount Spay / Neuter Program
Specialty Treatments include …
Pyometra Emergency Surgery, Heartworm Disease Treatment, Mass Removals, Eye Enucleation, Cherry Eye, Eye Enucleation, Ultrasound and Cold Laser Treatment.
Planned Pethood
37815 Florida State Road SR-54
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Tel: (813) 779-7000
Web https://plannedpethoodwc.com/
FB https://www.facebook.com/plannedpethoodpasco/
Pet Cat starting at $60* (spay) $50* (neuter) Additional $75 for cats 7 years or older (bloodwork)
Community Programs = Feral & Community Cat TNVR Program https://plannedpethoodpasco.com/tnr-program
Friends Of Strays TNVR Program
2911 47th Ave.North
St. Petersburg, FL 33714
Tel. (727) 522-6566 Ext 101
Request your Community Cat /Feral Cat surgery appointment by e-mail medical@FriendsOfStrays.org
Surgery days: Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY)
Rental of Approved Humane Cat Traps Mon-Sun 8am-6pm ($75 fee is refunded after returned)
$25 Spay pr Neuter fee includes 3-year rabies, FVRCP, deworming (not including deworming for tapewormsor giardia),flea/ticl preventative, mandatory ear tip. For additional services ie. microchip,Leukemia vaccine and Leukemia /FIV testing contact medical department PRIOR to surgery date.
Operation:SNIP Spay Neuter Clinic
13489 Walsingham Rd. Largo, FL 33774
Tel: (727) 595-1983
E-mail: operationsnipfl@gmail.com
Spay Neuter Office Hours:
Closed Monday
Tues – Thurs: 7am – 4pm
Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun
TNVR Community Cat Day: Thursdays Drop off: 7 – 8am
Pickup: 3 – 4pm Limited appointments, call ahead before trapping
Cat Depot
2542 17th Street
Sarasota, FL 34234
Tel: (941) 366-2404
Cat Clinic https://catdepot.org/clinic/
TNVR - Trap Rentals https://catdepot.org/community-cats/
TNVR Community Cat Sterilization Services
Food Bank
Working Cat (Adoption) Program
Atlantic Coast
1556 E. Commercial Blvd - NEW CLINIC Sept 2023
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Schedule online
https://www.purrr.org/thespeutermobile/ (mobile spay & neuter clinic)
Jacksonville's First Coast No More Homeless Pets (FCNMHP)
Feral/Community Cats Package – $40
Spay/Neuter Services
Rabies Vaccine
FVRCP Vaccine
Ear Tip
The FCNMHP TNR program is available to all people caring for feral, stray, free-roaming or community cats. These services are only available at our Norwood Clinic (6817 Norwood Avenue; Jacksonville FL).
If you have any questions, please call our hotline at 904.425.0005.
Ferals can also be dropped off at FCNMHP for surgery any day without an appointment as a walk in; however, these ferals may not have surgery on the same day you drop them off.
All cats must arrive to the clinic in a humane trap, no exceptions. Humane traps are available for loan and require a $100 refundable deposit per trap. For info go to http://www.fcnmhp.org/
Broward County's Animal Care and Adoption Division's community cat sterilization program. To apply for free sterilization vouchers Broward residents go to https://www.broward.org/Animal/ProgramsServices/Pages/Community-Cat-Management-Programs.aspx
When cats are admitted, they also receive a rabies vaccination, FVRCP vaccines (protects cats against feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes), calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia (feline distemper)) and an ear-notch (the universal indication that a cat has been sterilized).
This program is for feral cats. PET cats can be sterilized at low cost through the county's SNIP program.
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
3100 / 3200 N. Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Tel. (561) 686-3663 OR (561) 472-8812
web http://www.peggyadams.org/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/PeggyAdamsARL/​
​Feral / Community Cats​
FREE cat spay/neuter -For all zip codes in Palm Beach County
St. Augustine Humane Society
1665 Old Moultrie Rd.
St. Augustine, FL 32085
Tel: (904) 829-2737
web http://www.staughumane.org/
FB https://www.facebook.com/StAugustineHumaneSociety
Community Cats / Feral Cats $35
Cat Trap Rental $75 (refundable when returned in good condition)
Ferals MUST be transported in a humane trap - maximum one cat or two small kittens per trap!
As of Sept 2020, the following Counties have adopted TNR (TNVR) Programs providing funding to Community / Feral Cat sterilization, vaccination (rabies and FVRCP aka Cat distemper and ear tipping for identification. When contacting organizers, pleas leave your full name, address, call back phone # (wheere they can leave you a voice mail), and e-mail address...
Daytona beach
Holly Hill
New Smyrna Beach
Oak Hill
Orange City
Ponce Inlet
Port Orange
South Daytona
Unincorporated Volusia County
More details at http://ccfaw.org/tnr.html